Roles that help with the game development in variated ways, whether it’s making assets, adivising or developing the game itself.
These are the people who develop the game in different ways, such as scripting and modelling, and some of them have retired from development team.
These are users who have been hired for a certain task, or have constantly been providing help to the game.
Users who advise developers on the game developing. They are not to be confused with Contributors, as one advises and the other contributes with development items and other stuff
Roles responsible for helping the game in an indirect way, be it translating, editing the game’s wiki or moderating the game and the discord server.
Super Administrators
These are the head of the entire moderation and administration team. Coordinative and management duties fall upon these users.
These are the users tasked with supervising the moderation team. Their responsibilities revolve around education, screening and information relaying to their staff.
These users have the task of moderating both the game and the Discord server, they’re qualified and trusted to ensure the rules are being followed by all players and members.
Trial Moderators
Newly recruited members who are put on a probation period to ensure they are qualified and trusted to become a Moderator. This list is usually empty as all Trial Moderators are either promoted to a Moderator or not qualified to join the moderation team.
People who used to be a Moderator, an Administrator or a Super Administrator, but have retired from their duties.
Wiki Staff
Users who edit this wiki you are reading right now and ensure all information contained here is correct and up to date.
Users who used to work on the Project SCP Wiki but have retired, this section is divided into two:
Continuation of the 2020-2021 era, this will include any retired wiki staff from 2022 to the present day.
oscarlee0131 (Wiki Manager)
WhiTeV0idd (Wiki Manager)
camerongud11 (Wiki Manager)
anexpia (Wiki Editor)
hamywinter (Wiki Editor)
iToastYT (Wiki Editor)
Josh124356879021 (Wiki Editor)
legomastergamer1 (Wiki Editor)
omni4D (Wiki Editor)
thegolden456 (Wiki Editor)
DaRealNoobDude (Wiki Sub-Editor)
MeaninglessMass (Wiki Sub-Editor)
Qatiresia (Wiki Sub-Editor)
XxsparrowplaysxX (Wiki Sub-Editor)
This sub-section is for those hired in the 2020-2021 era. Those fired or retired past 2021 but hired in 2021 will be placed here; some names are missing due to lack of info.
Users who translate the game into multiple languages so that the game can be played by multiple language speakers around the world.
This list is divided into language families and localization.
Renobriidivii (Brazilian Portuguese)
lucasnichol (Brazilian Portuguese)
WKRPL (French)
Toyekko (French)
lady_thunderfire (Italian)
Arsenal_Nerd07 (Italian)
Cicorio07 (Italian)
asasinulroman1 (Romanian)
DisturbedAndrei (Romanian)
Frappyuccino (Romanian)
FieryGalaxy0_0 (Spanish)
RASTER2310 (Spanish)
Fernando121231 (Spanish)
gyldenbukser (Danish)
bakkertristan9 (Dutch)
yonstever (German)
S_iero (German)
innerpeases (German)
jowadstrom (Swedish)
ProbablyElm (Swedish)
34_ddk (Finnish)
hmm4apple_noob (Finnish)
jointoroblo (Finnish)
robloxplayertacoman (Latvian)
defective_zaza (Albanian)
Tom_TheMemeLord (Czech)
RonaldStickman (Czech)
robloxeaz8_3 (Polish)
BrizereqYT (Polish)
TastyC0ffee (Russian)
SCORTYofcer (Russian)
ivantet3 (Ukrainian)
KineHarakirovAlt (Ukrainian)
RussianBoy731 (Ukrainian)
z0cr1 (Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese/Taiwanese)
houqp (Simplified Chinese)
mrflamdunk (Traditional Chinese/Taiwanese & Simplified Chinese)
jDnIfCe1 (Traditional Chinese/Taiwanese)
Qwertyb0iiii (Traditional Chinese/Taiwanese)
z0cr1 (Traditional Chinese/Taiwanese)
SUP3R_F1SH (Japanese)
luca_synical (Korean)
Max9053 (Korean)
RealAngelOfDeath (Filipino)
FuzBoku (Indonesian)
FMACES (Indonesian)
MrKruger_Official (Indonesian)
ismemaxlol (Malay)
hanasofea20 (Malay)
SEDIH_Raja (Malay)
icelanderxhunter (Thai)
XxGrim_FireFlamesxX (Thai)
caokienquo (Vietnamese)
worldofrobloxgaming (Vietnamese)
Roles that help the game by creating content, such as audios and maps, and ensuring the content is of good quality and balanced. Social media creators, such as youtubers, are not included
Map Verification Team
Users who make sure all maps currently in the game are appropriate for gameplay and also add new maps submitted by users if they are appropriate for the game.
Former members of the Map Verification Team.
Map Makers
Users who have submitted a map which was approved by the Map Verification Team to be used in the game. Users who had their map removed from the game are still being listed here.
If you wish to make a map for the game or see all maps currently in it, check this page.
Removed maps are colored red.
Collab maps have matching color. Only applies to active maps.
Users who have submitted either a room, a hat or an audio to be used in the game through the pscp-submissions channel inside the PSCP Discord Server. Submitters aren’t who have submitted a map for the game though, as these are Map Makers.
Roles that helped testing the game in the early days and that still helps testing new updates.
QA Testers
A small team of users who may be called in to test new game features.
Users who used to be part of the QA Team, different from Beta and Alpha Testers.
Members of the community who have played the game before 28th of June, 2020.
Members of the community who have played the game before 10th of August, 2020.